Who Is Stephen Mucci?

Who Is Stephen Mucci?

He is a natural-born psychic, medium, healer, and hypnosis practitioner who has devoted more than forty years of his life to counseling people using his psychic ability. He is a consummate professional and is respected for his honesty, accuracy and Christian values.

While attending college, he was moved to attend a psychic awareness and development class in which he discovered his own natural psychic talent. After receiving a master's degree in economics, and while pursuing a career in the business world he was given a very powerful, symbolic and prophetic dream. In this dream, he was an old man with a long, white beard wearing a white robe and sandals. He walked with a tall, wooden staff upon a very narrow path. He glanced behind him to see his business associates staring at him from behind glass windows. They were grimacing and appeared to be angry at him for leaving. Finding that the business world was often unjust and spiritually barren and taking the dream as a "sign", he promptly left the business world to fulfill his spiritual destiny as a psychic counselor and healer.